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Results for "SPS 2023"
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  • Blog post
  • SPS 2023 insights: digital technologies are flooding the industrial world
    Analyst: Arnold Vogt
    Published: Nov 28, 2023
  • Blog post
  • Dassault Systèmes‘ Industry Analyst Days 2023
    This year again, Dassault Systèmes (3DS) invited multiple industry analysts to its headquarters in Vélizy-Villacoublay near Paris. Over two days, the software company...
    Analyst: Mopia Kamdoum
    Published: Jun 14, 2023
  • Blog post
  • Solides résultats 2023 pour les ESN françaises
    Malgré un début d'année difficile, les perspectives de croissance pour 2024 restent positives, soutenues par des carnets de commandes élevés et la demande croissante de digitalisation...
    Analyst: Eric Beaudet
    Published: Mar 07, 2024
  • Blog post
  • Die Voraussetzungen schaffen für Hyperautomatisierung (2023 Prediction #6)
    Unternehmen und Organisationen automatisieren auf breiterer Front – auch immer mehr kritische Elemente ihrer Betriebsabläufe. Hierbei stoßen viele an Grenzen, da ihnen die grundlegenden Bausteine...
    Analyst: Nick Mayes
    Published: Jan 25, 2023
  • Blog post
  • “Inside Intelligence”: Highlights from SAS 2023 Analysts Event
    On the 28th of March, 2023, PAC embarked on a journey to visit the analytics legacy company at its core: the SAS headquarters in Cary, North...
    Analyst: Cyntia Mursa
    Published: Apr 06, 2023
  • Blog post
  • SAP Discovery Day Romania 2023 - Key Insights
    On the 23rd of October, PAC participated in SAP Discovery Day Romania – Reinvent. The event brought together partners, customers, prospects, industry experts, and other...
    Analyst: Iulia Sandut
    Published: Oct 26, 2023
  • Blog post
  • Datenschutz fördert hyperpersonalisierte Kundenerlebnisse (2023 Prediction #7)
    Seit dem Aufkommen von Omnichannel vor über zehn Jahren gilt es als „Heiliger Gral“ im Bereich Customer Experience (CX), genügend Erkenntnisse über Verbraucher/Kunden/Bürger...
    Analyst: Spencer Izard
    Published: Jan 27, 2023
  • Blog post
  • All eyes on AI at Google I/O 2023
    At Google I/O 2023, AI was in the spotlight. Even if many tools are not yet completely available on the market, the announcements have been...
    Analyst: Iulia Sandut
    Published: May 11, 2023
  • Whitepaper & Trend Studies
  • Le cloud en 2023 : Paroles de DSI [livre blanc]
    Livre blanc réalisé à partir d'une enquête et d'entretiens auprès de DSI concernant l’adoption du Cloud en France.
    Analyst: Eric Beaudet
    Published: Jan 25, 2024
  • Blog post
  • PAC 2023 CxO Survey for Belgium – Trends and Challenges
    Analyst: Sidney Siegertsz
    Published: Oct 27, 2023
  • Blog post
  • A Day at Oracle CloudWorld Tour London 2023
    In April, PAC spent the day at Oracle CloudWorld in London to better understand how Oracle solutions and related services support business growth and offer...
    Analyst: Sidney Siegertsz
    Published: May 02, 2023
  • Blog post
  • Le secteur industriel reste dynamique en 2023
    Analyst: Franck Nassah
    Published: Sep 05, 2023
  • Blog post
  • Datentransformation und -integration als Eckpfeiler erfolgreicher Datenprojekte (2023 Prediction #8)
    Vor etwas mehr als einem Jahrzehnt sahen wir die erste Implementierungswelle von Big-Data-Lösungen, als die CEOs begannen, von „datenbasierten Organisationen“ zu sprechen. Seitdem...
    Analyst: Kristina Mikhnevich
    Published: Jan 27, 2023
  • Radar
  • AWS IT Ecosystem in Germany - PAC RADAR (internal use) - 2023
    PAC has evaluated 28 providers of AWS-related services in Europe, France, and Germany.
    Analyst: Benedict Oko, Eric Beaudet
    Published: Sep 27, 2023
  • Blog post
  • Salesforce Highlights AI & Investment on its World Tour 2023
    PAC attended the latest Salesforce World Tour in London last week, with north of 14,000 attendees hearing from the company’s UK leadership team and a raft...
    Analyst: Nick Mayes
    Published: Jul 03, 2023
  • Market reports
  • Rates and Prices - Application Services - InSight Analysis - UK - 2023
    The objective of this report is to provide a comprehensive overview of average daily rates in the UK IT services market, their development, and influencing...
    Analyst: Nick Mayes
    Published: Feb 13, 2023
  • Blog post
  • Dutch government splashes out on cybersecurity for 2023
    In the Netherlands, Budget Day or Prinsjesdag is the day where the King's speech contains the government's plans for the year ahead, announcing budgetary allocations...
    Analyst: Sidney Siegertsz
    Published: Sep 28, 2022
  • Radar
  • ServiceNow Services in Europe – GRC Workflows - PAC RADAR (internal use) - 2023
    The ServiceNow services market is one of the most competitive and dynamic segments in the IT services industry. And many of Europe’s leading providers are...
    Analyst: Spencer Izard
    Published: Mar 10, 2023
  • Blog post
  • Energiemanagement – der erste Schritt in Richtung Net Zero (2023 Prediction #3)
    Das Geschäft mit Energiemanagement-Lösungen boomt dank explodierender Energiekosten und wird auch 2023 weiter an Bedeutung gewinnen. Laut Recherchen von PAC stehen Energiemanagement-Lösungen bei europäischen...
    Analyst: Dina Capelle
    Published: Jan 25, 2023
  • Datamart
  • Software and IT Services - Preliminary Vendor Rankings Calendar Year 2023 - US
    This Excel document positions and ranks the major IT services suppliers by revenue
    Analyst: Eugen Schwab-Chesaru
    Published: May 27, 2024

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