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The STACKIT cloud at the heart of Schwarz Group’s transformation

PAC had the pleasure of being given an update on STACKIT’s strategy and positioning.

by Karsten Leclerque

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Featured Blog Post

Data Cloud Takes Center Stage at Salesforce World Tour

Salesforce’s World Tour event came to London this week, where the focus was squarely on the development of the company’s AI-related propositions. The company’s UK CEO Zara Bahrololoumi kicked things off by unveiling the launch of a first AI Center in London, which will serve as a collaboration center for Salesforce’s growing team of AI ...

by Nick Mayes

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Featured Blog Post

NTT DATA - a global organization with the ambition of local client proximity

NTT DATA – a global organization with the ambition of local client proximity and has been operating with a new organizational structure since April 1, 2024

by Joachim Hackmann

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Featured Blog Post

Exploring Cegeka's AI and Generative AI Prowess

At C-suite level, artificial intelligence (AI) and generative artificial intelligence (Gen AI) surged to the forefront of discussions, becoming an unavoidable topic in business circles. Whether the conversation concerns innovation, efficiency, productivity, cost-savings, or strategy, AI/Gen AI consistently commands attention and ...

by Sidney Siegertsz

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Immersion cooling – the next big step in data center cooling? Wolfgang Schwab

Immersion cooling – the next big step in data center cooling?

July 25, 2024

Data centers will face some issues over the next few years. They consume huge amounts of energy, a large proportion of which is used for cooling. In some European countries, there is legislation requiring them to reuse at least parts of the heat for data centers by 2027, and there are minimum efficiency requirements for new and, going forward, ...

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Orange Business Insights 2024 : retour sur l’événement dédié aux analystes avec des résultats et des avancées notables pour l’avenir de l’entreprise Vincent Malka

Orange Business Insights 2024

July 22, 2024

Orange Business Insights 2024 : retour sur l’événement dédié aux analystes avec des résultats et des avancées notables pour l’avenir de l’entreprise. PAC a eu le plaisir de participer à l'événement annuel « Insights 2024 » dédié aux analystes et organisé par Orange Business à Amsterdam les 10 et 11 juillet 2024.

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Inetum establishes six new Digibanks in Belgium to promote digital inclusion Sidney Siegertsz

Inetum establishes six new Digibanks in Belgium to promote digital inclusion

July 19, 2024

Digital services and solutions provider Inetum, in collaboration with local authorities, has set up Digibank in six Belgian municipalities of Zuiderkempen—Geel, Herselt, Hulshout, Laakdal, Meerhout, and Westerlo. This initiative aims to provide residents, especially vulnerable youth and other citizens, with access to the digital world in a ...

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ESG Data Management and Disclosure In The Real Estate Sector Aida Oganesov

ESG Data Management and Disclosure In The Real Estate Sector

July 10, 2024

The real estate sector is responsible for 35% of global CO2 emissions The real estate sector continues to feel the pressure to improve transparency around the environmental impacts of buildings to satisfy demands from investors and regulators (such as the EU Taxonomy, CSRD). In this context, real estate organizations (defined here as companies ...

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BLOG PAC - Numérique : une croissance continue depuis 15 ans qui se ralentit Franck Nassah

Numérique : une croissance continue depuis 15 ans qui se ralentit

July 09, 2024

PAC réalise tous les semestres l’analyse de la conjoncture du marché numérique français (ESN, éditeurs et ICT) avec numeum en interrogeant plus de 150 DSI et environ 300 entreprises du numérique.

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The STACKIT cloud at the heart of Schwarz Group’s transformation Karsten Leclerque

The STACKIT cloud at the heart of Schwarz Group’s transformation

June 24, 2024

PAC had the pleasure of being given an update on STACKIT’s strategy and positioning.

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Services Cloud en France : un écosystème riche et varié où la différenciation est clé Eric Beaudet

Services Cloud en France : un écosystème riche et varié où la différenciation est clé

June 14, 2024

Malgré un ralentissement perçu récemment, le marché français des services IT devrait afficher une croissance soutenue ces prochaines années avec, comme principale lame de fond, la migration continue des infrastructures et des applications vers le cloud. En effet, PAC estime que le marché des services cloud ont représenté, pour la ...

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Data Cloud Takes Center Stage at Salesforce World Tour Nick Mayes

Data Cloud Takes Center Stage at Salesforce World Tour

June 10, 2024

Salesforce’s World Tour event came to London this week, where the focus was squarely on the development of the company’s AI-related propositions. The company’s UK CEO Zara Bahrololoumi kicked things off by unveiling the launch of a first AI Center in London, which will serve as a collaboration center for Salesforce’s growing team of AI ...

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Où en sont les grandes organisations sur leur maintenance/support et TMA SAP ? Franck Nassah

Où en sont les grandes organisations sur leur maintenance/support et TMA SAP ?

June 06, 2024

PAC et l’USF ont joint leurs forces au premier trimestre 2024 afin de réaliser une enquête inédite sur un sujet très important pour les membres de l’USF : les contrats de maintenance / support SAP sur les solutions on-premise d’un côté et cloud de l’autre et plus globalement les prestations de run autour de SAP.

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NTT DATA - a global organization with the ambition of local client proximity Joachim Hackmann

NTT DATA - a global organization with the ambition of local client proximity

May 29, 2024

NTT DATA – a global organization with the ambition of local client proximity and has been operating with a new organizational structure since April 1, 2024

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Insights from the AWS Summit London 2024 Spencer Izard

AWS Summit London 24: Q’ing up a new era of enterprise AI

May 24, 2024

PAC recently had the opportunity to attend the AWS Summit London 2024 event. Over the past few years, the cloud hyperscaler market segment has become highly competitive and more challenging to differentiate. So, it was encouraging to see over the sessions PAC attended that AWS keenly understands what is driving the European market regarding the ...

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Exploring Cegeka's AI and Generative AI Prowess Sidney Siegertsz

Exploring Cegeka's AI and Generative AI Prowess

May 24, 2024

At C-suite level, artificial intelligence (AI) and generative artificial intelligence (Gen AI) surged to the forefront of discussions, becoming an unavoidable topic in business circles. Whether the conversation concerns innovation, efficiency, productivity, cost-savings, or strategy, AI/Gen AI consistently commands attention and ...

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TOP 3 ESN FRANCE Franck Nassah

Une année 2023 encore très bonne pour le top 10 des ESN !

May 14, 2024

Les résultats de l’année 2023 du top 10 des ESN en France se sont une nouvelle fois situés bien au-dessus du marché avec une croissance de +8,3% alors que le marché dans son ensemble a bénéficié d’une croissance de +4,6%.

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Key Insights at the 2024 DataCenter Forum in Bucharest: The AI Context and the Potential of the Local Landscape Oliver Ojog

Key Insights at the 2024 DataCenter Forum in Bucharest: The AI Context and the Potential of the Local Landscape

May 10, 2024

PAC participated in the 2024 DataCenter Forum in Bucharest, organized by Tema Energy. This event highlighted current operational challenges and the impact of AI, starting from the infrastructure field to the entire industry ecosystem. The event attracted various industry stakeholders, including leading equipment manufacturers, established data ...

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Merkle positioning in the Salesforce RADAR Nick Mayes

Merkle Thrives as Salesforce Partner Ecosystem Evolves

May 02, 2024

Salesforce’s partner ecosystem has never been more important to its future growth prospects, and more importantly, its ability to meet the changing needs of its clients. More than 70% of Salesforce’s customer engagements already involve a partner, and this rises to a much level when clients are looking to harness the vendor’s technology ...

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Merkle positioning in the Adobe RADAR Spencer Izard

Merkle Leading Data-driven Adobe Transformation Across the Diverse Demands of the European Market

May 02, 2024

In March, market research and strategic consulting firm PAC released its PAC INNOVATION RADAR on “Adobe-related Services in Europe 2024”. It is designed to help Adobe clients and prospects in the region identify the right service partner for their business. PAC evaluated leading IT services partners across Adobe’s four most important ...

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Hannover Messe 2024 – key insights from PAC Analyst Arnold Vogt Arnold Vogt

Hannover Messe 2024 – key insights from PAC Analyst Arnold Vogt

April 29, 2024

After three and a half days of “speed dating” with many IT and industrial automation companies, let me share with you my personal highlights and insights from the fair.

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infographie : RSE, A générative... les DSI sont dans l'action! Franck Nassah

Les DSI sont sur tous les fronts

April 26, 2024

Une enquête menée par PAC en collaboration avec numeum et le Cigref fin 2023 auprès de 165 entreprises (dont 50 du Cigref) montre que la sécurité reste le domaine le plus critique pour les DSI en France (pour 66% d’entre-eux), suivi par l’analyse des données (53%) et l’amélioration de l’expérience client (53%). Le sujet de la ...

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PAC TOP 15 ITS AMERICAS Christophe Châlons

Top 15 IT Services in Americas

April 18, 2024

Top 15 IT Services in Americas: Accenture, Deloitte and IBM confirm their leadership, Deloitte and EY fastest growing. PAC published last week its first vendor rankings by 2023 IT services revenue in Americas.

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Google Cloud Next 2024: A Closer Look Iulia Sandut

Google Cloud Next '24: A Closer Look

April 15, 2024

Last week, the Google Cloud Next ‘24 event in Las Vegas revealed new AI enhancements and future developments supported by recent large project implementations. In less than a month, Google has another major event, Google I/O, and even if it is a more mobile-focused event, it is expected to showcase other product improvements. With all the ...

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