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  • Market reports
  • Software & Cloud Platforms - InSight Analysis - France
    This InSight Analysis report provides a coherent analysis and current overview of the software and cloud platforms market in France.
    Analyst: Eric Beaudet
    Published: Jul 26, 2024
  • Market reports
  • Expert View: Artificial Intelligence Use Cases for Banks – Examples from the German Financial Services Sector
    Artificial intelligence (AI) is probably one of the hottest digital trends in the financial services sector right now. In June 2024, Bundesbank Executive Board member Burkhard...
    Analyst: Aida Oganesov
    Published: Jul 23, 2024
  • Datamart
  • Digital Sustainability Services by Topics & Vertical Sectors - Market Figures - France
    This document provides market volumes, growth rates and forecasts for the Digital Sustainability Services market for the 2022-2028 period.
    Analyst: Franck Nassah
    Published: Jul 17, 2024
  • Market reports
  • Expert View: ESG Data Management and Disclosure in the Real Estate Sector
    Real estate organizations should be aware of their buildings' carbon footprints. Collecting data for monitoring and reporting ESG indicators, such as energy consumption, requires reliable...
    Analyst: Aida Oganesov
    Published: Jul 10, 2024
  • Press Releases
  • Cloud en France, un écosystème riche et diversifié où la différenciation est clé
    Paris, lundi 9 juillet 2024 - En mai, PAC (Pierre Audoin Consultants) a publié son panorama 2024 des ESN intermédiaires de référence agissant sur le marché des services cloud...
    Analyst: Vincent Malka
    Published: Jul 09, 2024
  • Datamart
  • Software & IT Services - Preliminary Vendor Rankings - France
    This Excel document positions and ranks the major software and IT services suppliers by revenue in the following segments: Total Software and IT Services;  Total...
    Analyst: Franck Nassah
    Published: Jun 28, 2024
  • Datamart
  • Microsoft - Figures - France
    This Excel document is part of the company profiles PAC publishes every year at local, regional and worldwide level.
    Analyst: Cassandre Luys
    Published: Jun 27, 2024
  • Vendor profile
  • Microsoft - Vendor Profile - France
    This short vendor profile provides a quick overview of the local portfolio and performance of Microsoft in France. We analyze the background, top customers, positioning and...
    Analyst: Cassandre Luys
    Published: Jun 27, 2024
  • Whitepaper & Trend Studies
  • Le numérique : un coup de frein sur la croissance [infographie]
    Le numérique : un coup de frein sur la croissance Après deux années exceptionnelles, la croissance du numérique ralentit
    Analyst: Franck Nassah
    Published: Jun 27, 2024
  • Market reports
  • Expert View: The STACKIT Cloud at the Heart of Schwarz Group's Transformation
    STACKIT was launched in 2018 as the cloud and colocation provider of Schwarz Group to drive digital transformation. Since 2022, the cloud services offering has been available...
    Analyst: Karsten Leclerque
    Published: Jun 27, 2024
  • Market reports
  • Expert View: SAP's Sapphire customer events: solid but no surprises
    Several thousand customers and partners accepted SAP’s invitation to attend Sapphire in Orlando and Barcelona to learn firsthand how the leading business application software provider...
    Analyst: Frank Naujoks
    Published: Jun 26, 2024
  • Datamart
  • M&A - Deal Tracker - France
    This Excel document lists M&A deals in the software & IT services industry in France since 2013.
    Analyst: Cassandre Luys
    Published: Jun 14, 2024
  • Datamart
  • Software and IT Services - Deal Tracker - France June 2024
    PAC's Deal Tracker for France covers Software and IT services deals. It is delivered in a user-friendly format (MS Excel) to facilitate use and...
    Analyst: Cassandre Luys
    Published: Jun 14, 2024
  • Blog post
  • Services Cloud en France : un écosystème riche et varié où la différenciation est clé
    Malgré un ralentissement perçu récemment, le marché français des services IT devrait afficher une croissance soutenue ces prochaines années avec, comme principale lame de fond...
    Analyst: Eric Beaudet
    Published: Jun 14, 2024
  • Press Releases
  • Baromètre de valorisation des opérations de M&A par les ESN françaises
    Le leader européen des analyses de marché pour les acteurs du numérique PAC (Pierre Audoin Consultants) et la banque d’affaires Crescendo Finance s’associent pour produire...
    Analyst: Vincent Malka
    Published: Jun 07, 2024
  • Datamart
  • Manufacturing - Market Figures - France
    This Excel document contains the latest market figures on the French SITS market with regard to the Manufacturing sector.
    Analyst: Franck Nassah
    Published: Jun 07, 2024
  • Datamart
  • Insurance - Market Figures - France
    This Excel document contains the latest market figures on the French SITS market with regard to the Insurance sector.
    Analyst: Eric Beaudet
    Published: Jun 07, 2024
  • Datamart
  • Transport - Market Figures - France
    This Excel document contains the latest market figures on the French SITS market with regard to the Transport sector.
    Analyst: Franck Nassah
    Published: Jun 07, 2024
  • Datamart
  • Banking - Market Figures - France
    This Excel document contains the latest market figures on the French SITS market with regard to the Banking sector.
    Analyst: Eric Beaudet
    Published: Jun 07, 2024
  • Datamart
  • Public Sector - Market Figures - France
    This Excel document contains the latest market figures on the French SITS market with regard to the Public Sector.
    Analyst: Franck Nassah
    Published: Jun 07, 2024

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