Report 01 Jul 2024

Rates and Prices - Infrastructure Services - InSight Analysis - Germany - 2024

The objective of this report is to provide a comprehensive overview of average daily rates in the German IT services market, their development, and influencing factors. The analysis takes multiple factors into account, such as the industries in question, the experience level, and different job profiles.
The following levels of expertise have been identified:

  • Senior Manager (> 12 years)
  • Manager (9-12 years)
  • Senior Consultant (6-8 years)
  • Consultant (3-5 years)
  • Junior Consultant (0-2 years)

By conducting a cross-analysis of these factors and their segments, PAC’s rates and pricing analysis covers the entire spectrum of IT services in the market. The report shows how rates have developed from 2023 to 2024 and provides a forecast for 2024/25. Please note that this report covers onshore staff only and excludes offshore staff.

This analysis is useful for both those involved in the end-user purchasing process and for managers at IT services companies.

Please note that this report stands alongside PAC’s IT Services Rates Database – onshore by job profile, onshore by technology, and offshore – and another related document analyzing rates and prices in the application services market.


Contents of the report:

PAC’s Analysis

  • Management summary
  • PAC’s opinion
  • PAC’s recommendations

Infrastructure services at a glance

Infrastructure design, implementation, and integration

Infrastructure operation and maintenance

Infrastructure testing and quality management

Infrastructure-related cloud transformation and integration

Infrastructure-related project management

Infrastructure-related support

Infrastructure-related job profiles at a glance