Whitepaper & Trend Studies June 21, 2021

Whitepaper: Hybrid (Return to) Workplace – How will it shape up in 2021 and beyond?

COVID-19 continues to have a dramatic influence on economies, companies and individuals. At the end of 2020 and early 2021, we saw the third wave of COVID-19 in the US. Europe is also nearing a severe lockdown state where companies have been asked to let employees work from home wherever possible In mid 2021, it has spread to the APAC region. For employers it means that COVID-19 will almost certainly keep them busy throughout 2021.

Organizations need to develop a vision of future working models for different roles and individual situations. The basic questions that need to be answered are which working model fits the organization and the needs of the different roles and individuals in an organization, and how an overall working model will look.


The future working model in most organizations should strongly focus on individual needs with a close connection to organizational needs. To understand the individual needs of employees, managers must talk to their staff. Understanding such needs allows a suitable working model to be found, eliminating irritation and frustration on both sides. These needs might change over time, meaning that decisions on working models need to be adjusted from time to time.

This PAC whitepaper, commissioned by Infosysy, deep dives into two types of worker scenarios:

  • Employees who need to be onsite such as medical staff, production staff in factories, craftspersons, salespersons in shops, to name but a few: WHAT NEEDS TO BE IMPLEMENTED FOR ONSITE WORKERS?
  • Employees who can work from home at least some of the time with the right infrastructure, organization and mindset in place: WHAT NEEDS TO BE IMPLEMENTED FOR OFFSITE WORKERS?

   Here you can download the white paper free of charge