Mopia Kamdoum

Mopia Kamdoum


Get in touch

email icon +491743047468

Location: Munich, Germany
Languages: German, French, English

TOPICS: IoT, DCE and ESG & Digital Sustainability
SECTORS: Manufacturing, Retail

Mopia joined PAC in 2019. She first started out as working student within the analyst department, before moving on to supporting the sales and marketing team. After obtaining a M.Sc. in Management & Technology at the Technical University of Munich, where she specialized in Innovation & Entrepreneurship as well as Computer Science, she joined PAC as an allrounder. She currently operates in 2 functions. On the one hand she is part of the PAC analyst team where she works for the IoT & Digital CX cluster and focuses on the manufacturing and retail industry in Germany. On the other hand she works as an account manager and is therefore responsible for several of PAC’s most trusted clients.