Melanie Flug

Melanie Flug

Senior Research Analyst

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Senior Researcher & Analyst –
CxO & ICT user surveys
PAC Germany


Melanie Flug
Melanie Flug joined PAC with the acquisition of Berlecon in 2011. She has been working in the ICT industry since 2008.
Role and responsibilities:
Melanie Flug is a research consultant and works in a broad range of research projects and topics. She has strong expertise in the design, execution, and analysis of surveys and the production of market reports.
Areas of expertise:
Survey design & empirical analyses
Project management and execution of surveys
Multi-Client trend analysis, customer-specific (mono) projects as well as SITSI-specific surveys
Previous experience:
Berlecon Research GmbH – Junior Analyst, Mobility & Business Communication – Berlin, Germany
Industry Awards/Accolades: Best Thesis Award, Applied Media Science faculty, University of Technology, Ilmenau, Germany
Degree in Applied Media Science – University of Technology Ilmenau, Germany
Degree in Social Pedagogy – University of Applied Science Coburg, Germany