Whitepaper & Trend Studies November 11, 2021

Europe’s Digital Journey to Net Zero

The last couple of years have been pivotal for many reasons. But one of the most important and positive legacies of this tumultuous period will be the wave of momentum that has built with businesses making clear commitments to reducing their carbon emissions.

But how far down the road are European organizations in realizing their decarbonization ambitions and how far do they still have to travel? This study – based on briefings with senior executives at 200 large and medium-sized organizations, across seven main industry sectors – aims to cut through the hype to build a clear picture of where they stand today and how they plan to move forward in the coming years.

How do organizations measure and track emissions levels today, and how will they respond to the need to extend coverage beyond the walls of their own business and across their wider supply chain? In which areas are they investing today to drive short-term gains and what areas of technology do they think will prove the most important to accelerating their journey?

The PAC study “Europe’s Digital Journey to Net Zero” is supported by premium sponsor NTT DATA. 

For more information on the study and the option to download, click here.