Figure of the day: Importance of SaaS - CxO survey - worldwide

According to PAC’s CxO Investment Survey SaaS is expected to maintain its importance by over half of respondents, while nearly 40% expect it to gain in importance. Overall, it is important for 91%. 

Central Europe is most confident about a rise in importance (44%, the highest percentage of all geographies), compared to Southern Europe with 33% (the lowest of all geographies). A sector breakdown shows fairly even figures, with the highest percentage in manufacturing and telco, (ICT) Services, Media, Tourism – 40% each, and the lowest percentage in the public sector and utilities (32%). As for company size, those with over 1,000 employees show the greatest appetite for SaaS, at 44%, vs. 25% of companies with fewer than 100 employees. Overall, SaaS products provide several benefits, including scalability, automatic updates, cost savings, flexibility, add-ons and modernization features, remote and crossdevice/ platform access, etc.

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